Make your documentation readily available to employees throughout the shop floor.
Document Viewer
Document viewer can be customized for each work station for required AAR, FRA and OSHA documents.
Make work instructions available at every workstation.
Simplify updating documents by sharing one document across multiple stations.
Maintain and distribute documents from your desk using Shop Manager.
Access different stations
Each station has the required AAR or OSHA documents available immediately. Share the same document across multiple stations.
Simplify AAR requirements for displaying documents.
Maintain AAR required documents
Common documents only need to be updated once for all stations that use it.
Display any document Windows recognizes:
Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Images: jpeg, png, gif
any website (URL)
Configurable from Shop Manager
Configure what documents can be accessed by each station in Shop Manager.
Each document can be shared across multiple work stations.